Quick Export to Excel - Action Scripting


The Quick Export to Excel action exports the current selection of records to Excel and opens Excel with the records loaded into a new worksheet. All data in the current Form or Browse window is exported, and the column order in Excel corresponds to the field order on the form or browse layout. If you want more control over which fields are exported and in which order, try using an Export Operation instead.


  1. Make a selection in the Toggle Forn/Browse mode of which window? field. This field will be grayed out unless this action is based on a Form or Browse. The choices are:

    • "Current Form or Browse Window".

    • "Another Form or Browse Window".

  2. If you selected "Another Form or Browse Window", in the Window Name field select either:

    • "Forms"

    • "Browses"

  3. Select one of the listed forms or browses.

  4. Click Next >.

  5. Optionally modify the comment that describes the action.

  6. Click Finish.

See Also